A. How to get a licence:
I can offer you three ways to get a licence:
1. for free if you supported "World Wide Fund for Nature", "Doctors of the World" or "SOS Children's Villages",
2. for free if you helped in translating,
3. for a licence fee of 13 Euro:
3a. with the help of PayPal,
3b. onto my banking account,
3c. with the help of Western Union.
1. Support the "World Wide Fund for Nature", "Doctors of the World" or "SOS Children's Villages"
WWF is the world's leading independent environmental organisation, and a truly global network, working in more than 90 countries. It is a challenging, constructive, science-based organisation that addresses issues from the survival of species and habitats to climate change, sustainable business and environmental education.
"Doctors of the World" ("Médecins du Monde") is an international humanitarian non-profit organization that provides emergency and long-term medical care to vulnerable populations while advocating for equal access to healthcare worldwide.
"SOS Children's Villages" is an independent, non-governmental international development organisation which has been working to meet the needs and protect the interests and rights of children since 1949. The organization's work focuses on abandoned, destitute and orphaned children requiring family-based child care.
If you send me an email (service@totocalculator.com) with a copy of the receipt of your recent donation to "World Wide Fund for Nature", "Doctors of the World" or "SOS Children's Villages" of at least 25 Euro you will get free licences for TotoCalculator 2 for all versions (Windows, macOS, Haiku and Linux/Unix/Solaris) - these licences are worth 52 Euro! Note that in many countries this donation is tax deductible.
By sending me a copy of the receipt of your donation
- you declare that you would have donated anyhow, i.e. independent of this offer,
- you accept that you have no legal right to get a licence,
- and you accept that the licence is the same as if you would have bought it.
What is this good for? The first two points avoid that I have to pay income tax for your donation and the third point avoids the misunderstanding that TotoCalculator 2 might be freeware. With other words: Please do not give your free licence to other people. There is no need to repeat these declarations in your email, they are implicitly stipulated by sending it to me.
Here are some of the sites of "World Wide Fund for Nature", "Doctors of the World" and "SOS Children's Villages" where you can give a donation:
- Australia: www.wwf.org.au
- Austria: www.wwf.at, www.sos-kinderdorf.at
- Belgium: www.wwf.be, www.sos-villages-enfants.be
- Canada: www.wwfcanada.org, www.medecinsdumonde.be, www.soschildrensvillages.ca
- Denmark: www.wwf.dk, www.sosbornebyerne.dk
- France: www.wwf.fr, www.medecinsdumonde.org, www.sosve.org
- Germany: www.wwf.de, www.aerztederwelt.org, www.sos-kinderdorf.de
- Greece: www.wwf.gr, www.mdmgreece.gr, www.sos-villages.gr
- Holland: www.wnf.nl, www.doktersvandewereld.org, www.soskinderdorpen.nl
- Hong Kong: www.wwf.org.hk, www.soschildren.org.hk
- Hungary: www.wwf.hu, www.sos.hu
- Italy: www.wwf.it, www.sositalia.it
- Japan: www.wwf.or.jp, www.mdm.or.jp
- Luxembourg: www.wwf.org, www.medecinsdumonde.lu, www.sosve.lu
- Norway: www.wwf.no, www.sos-barnebyer.no
- Russia: www.wwf.ru
- Spain: www.wwf.es, www.medicosdelmundo.org, www.aldeasinfantiles.es
- Sweden: www.wwf.se, www.lakareivarlden.org, www.sos-barnbyar.se
- Switzerland: www.wwf.ch, www.medecinsdumonde.ch, www.sos-kinderdorf.ch
- United Kingdom: www.wwf.org.uk, www.doctorsoftheworld.org.uk, www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk
- United States of America: www.worldwildlife.org, www.doctorsoftheworld.org, www.sos-usa.org
2. Help in translating
It would be great if TotoCalculator 2 ran in as many languages as possible. If you like the application and if you have some spare time then please consider to translate TotoCalculator 2 into your language. Please take a look at Wanted: Translators for more information.
3. Pay a licence fee
If you prefer to buy a licence please choose one the these ways to pay the licence fee:
3a. PayPal
The purchase of a licence through PayPal costs 13.00 Euro.
I will get an email from PayPal about your payment. You will get your registration code as soon as possible.
3b. Transfer to my Banking Account
If you prefer the cashless way, please transfer 13.00 Euro to this banking account:
Christian Sturmlechner
BIC (Bank Identification Code = SWIFT-Code): BAWAATWW
IBAN (International Bank Account Number): AT366000000002830254
Please take into account that bank transfers may cause relatively high fees if you live outside the European Union. Please consult your bank and make sure that I receive the full value and that the bank fees are not charged to my account.
After having transferred the money, send me an email (service@totocalculator.com) providing this information:
1. that you transferred the money to my banking account,
2. which product you want to buy (TotoCalculator 2 for Windows, TotoCalculator 2 for Linux/BSD/Solaris, TotoCalculator 2 for Mac OS or TotoCalculator 2 for Haiku) and
3. to which email address the registration code shall be sent.
3c. Western Union
Send me 13.00 Euro with Western Union.
After having transferred the money, send me an email (service@totocalculator.com) providing this information:
1. your name and residence (city) - this will be used for your personal registration code,
2. which product you want to buy (TotoCalculator 2 for Windows, TotoCalculator 2 for Linux/BSD/Solaris, TotoCalculator 2 for Mac OS or TotoCalculator 2 for Haiku) and
3. to which email address the registration code shall be sent.
B. Registration Code
Having received your money I will send your registration code as soon as possible. Since the letter resp. the transfer may take its time and since it may happen that I am not at home (i.e. snow-bound or biking) I ask you to have some patience.
The licence for TotoCalculator 2 for Windows is valid for all current versions and will be valid for all future versions of TotoCalculator 2 for Windows. The licence for TotoCalculator 2 for Linux, BSD and Solaris is valid for all current versions and will be valid for all future versions of TotoCalculator 2 for Linux, BSD and Solaris. The licence for TotoCalculator 2 for Mac OS is valid for all current versions and will be valid for all future versions of TotoCalculator 2 for Mac OS. The licence for TotoCalculator 2 for Haiku is valid for all current versions and will be valid for all future versions of TotoCalculator 2 for Haiku.
TotoCalculator 2 is equipped with an online help in English, German and Italian that will answer every question. Please note that there is no support for installation or operational issues, neither for the demo version nor for the licenced version. Consequently you should definitely test the unregistered demo version before you buy the licence to check whether "TotoCalculator 2" runs on your system and whether it complies with your expectations.
C. Disclaimer and Privacy Statement:
This Software is provided "as is" and without any warranty as to merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranties either expressed or implied. The author will not be liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.
Your email address and all other personal information is treated completely confidentially, and will never be divulged to a third party.